EPK | Artist Biography: Goose Pärk
Although hailing from Miami, Florida Goose Pärk’s intricate style and persistence towards perfection are second to none with his inspiration spanning from a multitude of artists throughout the globe. While stationed within Germany for several years while enlisted in the military, his keen sense of distinctiveness in regards to sound and artistry continued to bloom. Continually branching out to artists and fellow ingenious connoisseurs, Goose recurrently pushes the envelope in regards to not only music, but also the arts aiming chiefly for distinctive sounds in efforts to aid a musical industry which has unfortunately suffered from monotony in recent years. With a tough upbringing consisting of foster homes and economic woes, Goose is no stranger to hard times and an empty stomach. Nonetheless, through his multitude of talents and experience in a variety of instruments and professional software (i.e. Protools, Audacity) he has been able to feed his hunger for more by providing various artists with the instrumentals, quality, and acclaim they desire. As a key producer and founding member of the international ensemble Cäsperz Academy, he truly remains one of the rising stars of the underground. Spread the word that the bird’s on the loose, then Spread your wings and fly with the Goose.